Research Experience
Former Laboratory and Field Involvements
North Pacific Groundfish Observer
Alaskan Observers Inc
April 2019 to Oct. 2019
Acts as a liaison at the intersection of Bering Sea fisheries’ management, industry, and research. Designs and carries out rigorous sampling schemes, sight-identifies fish to species, collects sex, length, and weight data as well as specimens specific to species and location. Samples independently and collaborates with other observers and NOAA Fisheries staff to ensure accuracy and quality of data.
77 days at sea as of 24 September 2019 with over 100 hauls sampled
Experience on Trawl Processor and Trawl Catcher boats, in the rockfish, atka mackerel, and pollock fisheries
Satisfactory marks from NOAA Fisheries on all evaluations
Lead-certified for trawl vessels

Ecological Research Apprentice
Friday Harbor Labs
March 2018 to June 2018
Designed and completed an ecological survey of Dead Man’s Bay, San Juan Island that compared community dynamics to historical surveys and evaluated changes in relation to local climate change.
Utilized R and Python to analyze and visualize count and proportion data
Presented research in a public talk at the Friday Harbor Laboratories
Authored research paper titled “Temperature correlated changes in relative abundance of mollusks at Dead Man’s Bay, San Juan Island, WA”, submitted to the UW Library
Awarded Mary Gates Endowment Scholarship to support research
Geochemistry Lab Technician
Solomon Lab
Jan. 2017 to March 2018
Performed analytical and maintenance tasks including: acid washing, data management, data visualization in Python, inventory, ion chromatography, gas chromatography, preparing solutions, and record keeping.
Troubleshot equipment, managed analyses, and strategically prioritized sample processing to meet tight deadlines for new and backlogged samples across several projects
Processed over 200 samples from seafloor gas seeps using gas chromatography and analyzed data in Python
Trusted with analysis of samples for $650 million project with Department of Energy
Marine Ecological Lab Technician
Lessard Lab
June 2016 to Dec. 2016
Monitored and maintained several dozen cold-water algal cultures by utilizing a variety of skills including: acid washing culture ware, sterilization via autoclave, media preparation, and microscopy.
Planned and executed multi-day procedures that ensured on-schedule algal transfers
Consistently maintained lab supplies to allow successful day-to-day operations
Marine Biological Lab Assistant
Swalla Lab
April 2016 to June 2016
Performed field and laboratory tasks for the Swalla Lab while studying at Friday Harbor Labs.
Collected, identified, and cared for marine invertebrates for classes, outreach, and research
Ensured supply of dishware for both embryonic and genetic work
Observed laboratory guidelines to prevent RNA contamination
Feel free to contact me for more information regarding my research and career experiences.
Leadership and Teaching Experience
Guest Services - Department Manager
March 2019 to Jan. 2020
Leads 4-8 crew members at a time, ensuring they are efficient, safe, and friendly. Supports team by knowing all positions and functions, able to quickly switch between as needed, and instruct crew members when they have questions.
Employee of the month two months running based on customer satisfaction surveys, demonstrating effective service and ability to increase customer engagement with surveys
Promoted to manager after three months by seeking training in all positions, by being dedicated to customer satisfaction and conflict resolution, and aptitude teaching new staff
Shift Manager
GIA, Enterprised Ltd
Dec. 2018 to Feb. 2019
Leads 4-8 crew members at a time, ensuring they are efficient, safe, and friendly. Supports team by knowing all positions and functions, able to quickly switch between as needed, and instruct crew members when they have questions.
Employee of the month two months running based on customer satisfaction surveys, demonstrating effective service and ability to increase customer engagement with surveys
Promoted to manager after three months by seeking training in all positions, by being dedicated to customer satisfaction and conflict resolution, and aptitude teaching new staff
Alene Moris NEW Leadership Institute
UW Women's Center
June 2018 to June 2018
Engaged in discussion with local political leaders, activists, and professionals in a variety of panels and workshops involving: communication styles, diversity training, management, and networking.
Nominated for Class Chair
Laboratory Teaching Assistant
UW Oceanography
Sep. 2017 to Dec. 2017
Taught sections of 10-15 students for introductory oceanography course, Ocean 101
Described oceanographic and foundational science concepts to primarily non-STEM majors using an example based teaching method that combined visual and hands-on learning
Teaching Assistant
January 2015 - Present
Taught elementary students introductory orchestral performance skills. Students were aged 9-12 and the group ranged from 20 - 80 students.
Identified students who needed additional help and provided one on one mentoring with a focus on providing tools for self practice.
Demonstrates skills on three instruments, and gives input for less planning.
Presentations and Publications
June 2018
Temperature Correlated Changes in Relative Abundance of Gastropods at Dead Man’s Bay, San Juan Island, Washington
Fields, J.A., Dougherty, S., and C. Toler-Scott. 2018. Friday Harbor Laboratories - University of Washington Archives.
November 2018
Undergraduate research in historical ecology: A comparison of invertebrate body size over 45 years
May, C.H., Fields, J.A., Toler-Scott, C., Elahi, R., and H.A. Hayford. 2018. Western Society of Naturalists Conference. Poster Presentation.
June 2018
Dual Degree - BS Oceanography and Biology | University of Washington
Concentration: Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental
Thesis: Temperature correlated changes in relative abundance of mollusks at Dead Man’s Bay, San Juan Island, WA
Associations: Honor Society
June 2015
Associates in Arts and Sciences
Associations: Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society